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2023-05-03 07:26:13




Do you know what is my favorite season? Not flowers blooming in the spring, not "xiao-he only expenses furore, early have a dragonfly stand above" summer, nor does it snow in winter, but the harvest in autumn.

Every time, I am a out of their homes. Looked up, I can't see the other end of the saw the paddy fields of golden, like gold spread all over the floor. I looked carefully, the mature rice have to bend over, like handfuls of gold, grain full bilge like splitting, also sends out a fragrance. Some crowded around in a pile of red sorghum, from a distance both like their curved torches; Burning like hits the grass again... . In the orchard and fruit of fragrance came head-on, hits the strong thick branches full of fruit trees, have yellow pear. Have a red apple. And so on. The food made my mouth water, really want to eat! A number of cool autumn wind blowing straight at this moment, a few leaf blowing in the wind...

I love my hometown, especially the autumn home.






Parking sit love maple's woods night, leaves be red flowers in February. "At this the cool autumn wind, the colorful season, I saw the picture of autumn.

Autumn wind is a box of colorful paint, leaves of the ginkgo tree it dyed a golden yellow, pieces of yellow leaves fall down, as if each honey bee industrious. Maple leaf is it dyed for lux, pieces of red leaves dance with the wind, as if each butterfly dance. The bird was attracted by the beautiful scene, it "ji ji ji" on the tree to sing.

The autumn wind with red paint to the earth covered with bright red carpet. People walking up and down on the carpet, carpet "tickle, tickle" sound, as if to say: "thank you for the autumn wind, let me put on a such a beautiful clothes to go abroad to study network composition." The autumn wind, said: "don't mention it! Let me give you a few gold wire!" So the autumn wind is adding a few to the red carpet with golden leaf, after a more beautiful carpet.

Pictures of autumn, a golden ginkgo biloba, a fiery red maple leaves, colorful, beautiful!









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