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2023-05-04 03:13:22




To be honest, I'm a little afraid to talk about this classic adult fairy tale. Because it is so mysterious, too wonderful, it seems that I haven't talk about it. I only touched after reading it, each time, all have the urge to want to cry. It has let a person imperceptible power in control of our heart sad that area. Its text is very simple, very simple, but it exudes charm, I think it is not a book can reach.

The little prince lived in a small planet, really small: only two volcanoes, a flower, a dog. Chair and can enjoy the sunrise and sunset, three small breadfruit tree can take all the space. However, his planet the little prince's love, love his roses.

But the little prince, or to go. Before he left, he put his planet everything in apple-pie order, get on a glass cover for roses. Flowers are very sad, little prince also very sad.

Prince began his trip, met the king said to himself, vain man, drunk drunk, busy good businessman, the lamp of hard work, don't put the flowers in the eyes of the geographer... Finally, he came to the earth.

The little prince met a waiting love fox, the fox said: "tame me!" , don't know what is the little prince "tame", said the fox, build relationships.

The little prince is a little bit understand. He remembered his roses. The little prince tamed their roses, now they can no longer be separated. Is each other, the little prince is the rose of each other.

With the little prince saw the fox hill 5000 roses, everyone is delicate, all are fragrant and attractive, little prince is very upset, because it turned out that he thought only that a rose in the world, his that a planet.


On the earth for the little prince for a whole year. He have to go. Viper of his friends would help him to return to the beginning of his.

The little prince. Fall gently, like a tree, there is no sound at all.

This is how the story ends. Ended with the fall of the little prince, quietly. Search is over, the little prince looking for what, perhaps he can tell.

First read it, understand, just don't think it is a sad; The second time for the third time, I have the feeling of want to cry, but can't find its power, can make us sad strength; The fourth phase five times, a little touch, is the following things.

The little prince and his take conflict is the twist of fate, because of the turning point, the little prince began his pursuit, the pursuit of the thing that oneself also say not clear, and when I find their real home should be, or that their own planet, the little prince, already can not to go. He, gently fall.

The little prince in his own traverse the world in the process of understanding to the world that he never know, however, he lost his most beautiful. When he found, have already too late. Everyone is the same, when we started looking for, has been lost, and people did not cherish the present, not cherish for each of the now.

The authors describe the process of the pursuit of the little prince to find, is precisely our daily life, is our life. We can from the set of the little prince, so, anyone with such a sad this paradox and the role, will make us more deeply realized that the way the author conveys emotion. We are the little prince.

Perhaps, that is, let us cry. I am understand it.

We don't know of your own destiny, our constant pursuit. We are looking for a "lost" good, but forget, will become a good "now".

Lost just know to cherish, lost just know better. We all want to have their own beautiful world, all want to now the future is beautiful. But, how is it possible? We can't keep time, can't let it become immortal, but we can try our best to cherish now, try to cherish the passage with own looking for now.























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