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2023-05-04 03:23:10




Of a new semester began, I opened a new chapter in life and the new semester, in this semester, I'm going to do? I thought: I want to develop my strengths, do make persistent efforts; Get rid of my bad habits, and do wrong must rectify.

. Above all, want to get into the habit of early to bed and early to rise, can't sleep because procrastination and lead to very late, so can't get up early the next morning early read, but also often for fear of being late in a flurry, not forgot to take my red scarf is forgot to take my keys.

No matter in school or at home, I should take more time for exercise, mama always said to me: the body is the capital of revolution, if the body is bad, is what all can't do it well. Before because I lack of exercise, so fail to improve the sports achievement and thus become a stumbling block to my full development, had difficulties to face bravely, want to find a way to overcome.

Also, tell you a little secret, I am a love fussy child oh. Also because of this, I will always not fat, as the body absorb nutrition disequilibrium, so this semester I will work hard, can't let my health declaration on lean "weight" four word.

Absent-minded in class can say is a bad habit in my learning. Sometimes, the teacher in class above, my mind is unknowingly flew into a cartoon plot, or glance left and right, whisper to tell students about something. I know, this can let me miss lectures essence, leaving too much doubt, bring resistance to learning.

Through the practice of a holiday, I feel that my writing had the very big enhancement, and so here, I want to keep on practice it, and to correct posture, cannot grow hunchback oh.

So that's my new term plan, I'm sure I can do. Chairman MAO once said: do more practical work, less empty talk. So, I also want to practice what you preach. How about you?












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