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2023-05-04 03:59:13




Asian champions to world champion, to Olympic champion, Chinese women's volleyball coach lang ping players age "won" the accomplishments of memorable. Chinese women's volleyball team under the leadership of coach lang ping, repeatedly innovation tactics, in September 2015 in the final round of World Cup, beat host Japan won 3-1 in the title, at the same time, the Chinese women's volleyball team has got the qualification of the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

Zhu Hang Ming said: "the Chinese women's volleyball team indomitable perseverance, persevere to the end of the spirit is also pursued by the bright dairy, bright dairy has a grand vision, to become the world's most trusted dairy companies, this needs us to perseverance as Chinese women's volleyball team, adhere to the effort, around the world, with the pattern of globalization, global layout."

It is understood that in 2014, bright dairy annual business revenue of 20.385 billion yuan, up 25.13%; Achieve attributable to parent company owners net profit of 568 million yuan, up 39.87%; Achieve earnings per share 0.46 yuan, up 39.39% from a year earlier.

Bright dairy "focus on leading dairy, fresh, and stronger under normal temperature, breakthrough formula" development strategy, and women's volleyball team spirit. Through the production of nutrition, health, safety and high quality products, strengthen marketing network, expand, innovation, realize the development of the marketing channel construction, to ensure the revenue growth. At the same time, through the resources, focus, focus on developing star product, measures such as optimizing product structure, to resist the pressure of rising costs, and at the same time makes profit ability get promoted.


亚洲冠军到世界冠军,再到奥运会冠军,中国女排教练郎平的"球员时代 “五连冠”的辉煌成绩令人难忘。中国女排国家队在郎平教练的带领下,屡屡创新战术,在2015年9月世界杯的最后一轮比赛中,以3比1力克东道主日本荣获冠军,同时,中国女排也因此拿到2016年里约奥运会的参赛资格。



光明乳业 “聚焦乳业、领先新鲜、做强常温、突破奶粉”的发展战略,与女排精神不谋而合。通过生产营养、健康、安全的优质产品,夯实、拓展、创新营销网点等方式,实现了营销渠道建设的发展,保证了营业收入的增长。同时,通过资源聚焦,重点发展明星产品,优化产品结构等举措,抵御了成本上升的压力,同时使得盈利能力得到提升。




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