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2023-05-05 03:33:05




"This is really a touching story!" My regrets ground say, tears in her eyes. This is a what story, listen to me about the outline of the story!

At children's hospital in London ailment room lived seven children, besides a little patient, six other patients with leukemia, live long. The little patient name is Elizabeth, she likes to sing songs also like to listen to others, the children all like her. She is so lovely, but the god of destiny and she cracked a joke. Still have a month, her ears will be deaf. Friends are very sad for her, decided a surprise on her birthday to Elizabeth.

Aunt friend to find a singing coaching their singing, although these kids are not music talent, but they still formed a good choir. Birthday in the afternoon, Elizabeth was brought into the hospital chapel, consisting of a small chorus, saw children hear little chorus moving song, she was very excited, excited! Because, in this world, she heard the most beautiful voice, feeling the most beautiful child. All of these, will be her in the silent world best memories!

I saw this story, to think that these kids are so kind. But many children in life is not like they have a kind heart. Such as helping the disabled activities do not love, not to take part in; Met on the street some disabled people begging for money, they turn a blind eye, even passionate, intentionally still far away from them; Some classmate's father died, they not only don't help him, but also in behind Peter gung talk, the more bad! See we need to help for the disabled, see the students have some difficulties in our comfort, lend a hand to help him, not to mention behind, speak ill of others, so that we can have a kind heart.

I am a very loving child, in a love activities, I pour it all, is the most money the class, so to get the teacher and the mother's praise.

I hope that all mankind can like the six little patient has a kind heart. If so, the world will become how good.











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