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2023-05-05 04:38:03




I often think about what is tolerance? Until there is one thing, let me know what is tolerance, also let I learned to tolerance.

Once, I go to uncle's house to play, come to uncle's balcony, he heard the upstairs a beats "peng" then many feathers: and dust from the sky at the same time. The dust in the flowerpot on the uncle's house, I can't help but harsh voice to the upstairs investing way: "is who ah, ah, what pat did not see the downstairs tenants?" Beats can be above did not stop instead take more violent, ah, now people too wicked!

After a while, the flap stopped, I took the kettle to the poor flowers are just shower, glittering and translucent water roll on the green leaves, some water still ran to the downstairs, I down a look, not good! Water droplets fall in the downstairs quilt on fair, now change! See grandpa reached give him downstairs, my heart is a surprised, afraid old man call names, but old man smiled and said: "Today the weather was really good, can water the flowers!" With that, the old man put a few quilts moved back to the room, I stay to live for a moment, then ran to the upstairs and I low head for the aunt said: "the aunt, today the weather is good, bring the quilt more some sun!" "Yeah, it's a fine day!" The aunt said with a smile.

Considerate like water, tolerance, is to forgive the mistakes of others, don't, don't ZiZhu comparison, kind and a generous person. Forgiving the tender like water, in case of conflict, often more effective than aggressive revenge, it is like an acquisitive springs, erase hostile to each other at that time, this is the tolerance, I learned to tolerance!









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