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2023-05-05 06:43:02




I love my parents, they gave me life, when your parents to buy clothes for you, have you ever pay attention to the parents' clothes. When you watch TV with my parents, have you ever pay attention to the parents of the hair, the hair is white, this is parents his life ah. I remember when I was a child, I was sick, mom hurriedly behind my back in the hospital, she did not even wear shoes, slippers go toward outside walk, to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed said to me after an injection, anyway does not agree, I rushed to the hospital, the mother hurriedly pull in I go, I at that time also small, angry bite his mom, that's a ah, I later apologized to his mother, the mother also said that's ok, I really want to mother can criticize me a few words. Since that time has taught me to learn to be grateful parents.




I opened this afternoon class space, found a petition, the team is a young eagles holiday initiative everyone to participate in "earth hour" activities in 2010, jointly cope with climate change.

Today is March 27. The weather, the sun is shining.

To say what special day is today, today is the earth hour once a year.

Amidst the recently, the shortage of water disasters occurred frequently; Climate cannot leave the environment, the environment is inseparable from the climate, between the two, humans have become a third party.

"Grateful heart, thank you, my life, let me have the courage to make my own......." Whenever this song have my ear rings, I always think of my sister.

"Good! Winter vacation from today, officially opened!" Everybody cheered when the headmaster speak this sentence. My joy and happy, because I can go to sister home again right away!

Sister wanted very much to me, I also wanted very much to sister. In her there, I have a good time. Because sister always use "challenging" to lead me to move forward.

Remember once, I got sick. Do give me a lot of good things to eat. But still want to rely on oneself to stable. So sister call I go to outside exercise. I looked at outside, snow, or home warm. So, I casual wear uncomfortable appearance, hiding behind the sofa will not come straight. Sister carved out a plan, said: "you look at you, even as a hen. The weather even dare to go out activities, chicken you why go out couldn't go out?" As soon as I listen to be nasty, I how can be worse than a chicken?

I quickly rushed out, regardless of the cold run to start. After about half an hour, I came back, are sweating all over. Sister praised me and gave me a lot of delicious, also help me to change clothes. After that, I go jogging every day, if I don't run, sister said I than chicken. Every time after I came back, I have a lot of delicious waiting for me...

After a few days, I was ill, I am strong! Thanks to sister.

Until today, I would also like to thank sister, thanks to her "challenging" and attention. Sister's teachings, which made me understand a lot of, make me in advance to the road of life, more make I have a grateful heart!












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