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one thing I’m proud of为题的高三英语作文

2023-05-06 06:34:12

one thing I’m proud of为题的高三英语作文



In the past days as smoke, be the breeze blows away; As mist by the morning or! Long years have passed, but it makes me unforgettable thing still always on my mind, it is like a colorful kite, often come to my dream, cause my endless thoughts and imagination!

It's a sports meeting a year ago, I went to the high jump, at the time of preparation activities, accidentally met the high jump with iron, hurt his hip, I twisted with pain, the game is about to begin, but I was got off, but I already won two titles in a row, do we give up halfway? Should say this is related to collective honor, for class struggle. How will you chicken out? I thought to myself: "open a fifth-grade students though can not stand the pain of scraping the bone healing, but at least able to bear this flesh of bitterness! I must be strong!" I bite the bullet and bravely face the pain, took part in the game! Game, each time I jump in the past will feel pain, I bite a tooth, try to do the action standard. In applause again and again, I hard to complete the competition, and successfully defending, just as in the song to sing, "do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow, no one can casually succeed."

The joy of success let me temporarily forget the pain, returned home after I just found out that your pants are on the bright red blood, but I think this blood is glorious, and the blood t I witness to beat yourself! I'm very proud for it! To be happy!

It makes me very proud, also make me once in a very long while can't forget! Because I am beyond the self, beat yourself! I am the winner!



那是一年前的一次运动会,我去参加跳高比赛,在做准备活动的时候,一不小心碰到了跳高用的铁杆,弄伤了大胯,疼得我龇牙咧嘴,比赛即将开始了,而我 却出师不利,可是我已经连续获得了两届冠军了,岂能中途放弃?再说这是关系到集体的荣誉,应该为班级争光彩。怎能临阵脱逃?我心里想:“堂堂一个五年级学生虽然说不上能忍受刮骨疗伤之痛,但至少能忍受这点皮肉之苦吧!我一定要坚强!”我咬紧牙关,勇敢地面对痛苦,参加了比赛!比赛中,我每跳过去一次都会感到疼痛无比,我咬着牙,尽量把动作做标准。在一次又一次的掌声中我艰难地完成了 比赛,并成功卫冕,就如歌中所唱,“不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随便便成功。”

成功的喜悦让我暂时忘却了疼痛,回到家之后我 才发现裤子上都沾上了鲜红的血,但我认为这鲜血是光荣的,这鲜血师 我 战胜自我的 见证!我为此而感到骄傲!为此而感到快乐!


【one thing I’m proud of为题的高三英语作文】



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