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2023-05-06 06:37:10




In English this year summer vacation homework requires us to see an English story book, my heart after thousands of things to pick a thin book _ the UNCLE TOM 's Cabln "UNCLE TOM's cabin. But this book is thin, but also let me read, and dark zhang two monks confused, almost doubling a dictionary.

The story is about a man named Tom the sad fate of black slaves. Uncle Tom was a slave owner thanked bill's slaves, his upright and capable, loyalty to serve the master for many years. But because bill owed down debt, hence the Tom and eliza's son small female slaves Henry sold to the slaver bonded. Eliza accidentally learned the news, she took her son fled to Canada. And uncle Tom roll with the punches, was eventually sold by a southern plantation, and later because he refused to tell the whereabouts of escaped slave Casey, the result is master beaten black and blue. At this point, he had little boy Johnny Shelby has grown up, and found him to travel long distances and prepare to buy him, but he is finally in the master arms closed his eyes forever. Back to home, embeds a bill in the name of uncle Tom freed all his slaves, and told them, is uncle Tom to make them free.

Although uncle Tom is black, and read a few books, but the reason he knows more than some white smugness, compassionate heart is Buddha alive, he let I admire. His friendship just like the duke guan kwan tai, is worth me to learn; And his self-sacrifice spirit like tan qiangiu teacher in the sichuan earthquake, touched ten thousand people; Loyalty, and his "do" is like zhuge liang, is we should have a heart.

After reading the book "uncle Tom's cabin, I see behind the capitalist civilization, is a ruthless sucks exploitation of slaves; Today's prosperity in the United States, is tightly linked with slaves of sin. But up to now, still there are some people discrimination against blacks in the United States. Wish every country in the world to protect small and weak, let people no hunger, cold, no bullying oppressed, how hope to everyone is equal, every corner in the world is not hierarchical, hope such SINS and discrimination forever lost in this beautiful earth. Keep a kind and honest heart forever do not bow to fate is biggest enlightenment after I finish reading this book.


今年的英语暑假作业中要求我们看一本英语故事书,我经过千心万苦才挑出一本比较薄的书_《UNCLE TOM's Cabln》(汤姆叔叔的小屋)。可是这本书虽然薄,但也让我读得天昏地暗,丈二和尚摸不着头脑,差点翻烂一本字典。







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