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2023-05-06 07:04:01




Christmas is a happy day. Come to think about it, I will be a bright flower in full bloom in the heart happy and excited.

On Christmas day, the day very cold. But the cold weather also can not hold up against the footsteps of merry Christmas. The streets are placed in front of the shop in the beautiful Christmas tree, in the supermarket employees also have a lovely Christmas cap. Look at these, our these little heart. Therefore, the idea of a special Christmas party.

Through planning, in the afternoon, we draw on the blackboard on the beard Santa Claus, spray on the Windows on the white snow, is still in the middle of the classroom on a tree with the stars of the Christmas tree. Students around the Christmas tree ah, jump ah, can be happy, the classroom immediately with a festival festival atmosphere.

The arrival of the good is not easy to look forward to the party. The first show is the flute ensemble songs friendship. The flute melodious sound, so that we could not help singing gently on the audience. Unconsciously, the show at the end of the students in the thunderous applause. Then, we hurriedly out beautiful snowflake ribbons for the next program - a joke. The performer is tall zhang zhen yu gong guan and troublemakers. Their conversation humorous and funny action performances, provoked we all laughed.

The party in a happy atmosphere, the actors use all ways, to make the audience laugh and applause. The audience all smiled blushing all, slap pain film. Close to the end of the party, we took out the last of the whole class's secret weapon - the colorful petals, thrown into the air and into the actors...

Look at these beautiful petals, I thought: in this special day, Santa Claus has become our most lovely partner not only, and is a messenger of peace.

Expert review:

Paper beginning with exciting scenes, introduced and vigorous and lively language, attract the reader, the end, by summarizing the moral of Santa Claus begins with both theme, echo also lift. The focus of the article highlighted attention to detail Christmas joy exciting scenes.













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