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2023-05-07 02:35:01




In the vastness of the desert, there will always be the wind, blow the earth volume scarred; In the muddy lake there will always be poor shrimp, fish can't adapt to the environment and death; In every time I go to the street, there will always be a stench and cover your mouth nose; When the car passed by, always blowing a dust. Our mother - the earth, is under the trample upon, and tortured her, is his children, so made her heart tired tired, eyes flashing with tears. As if to moan.

This is man-made, : wantonly cut down trees, to set up the chemical plant, random discharge harmful liquid. "Larger gas, threatening human world emissions each year more than 600 million tons...; estimation to the middle of the next century, the surface of the earth is in danger of a third of the land desertification, every year there are 6 square kilometers of land desertification, threatens more than 60 countries..." Everyone opened his eyes and have a look, take a look at these terrible Numbers, look at these terrible information! The earth is beautiful, but I don't want her to be down and out!

To this end, we need to protect the environment! I advocate students improve the consciousness of protecting the environment, also suggests uncles and aunts to join our team to contribute their own strength to protect the environment, the well-being of future generations. Because: to protect the environment, urgent!

"The real test our contribution to the environment is not words, but action." Although I do now, just some small things, but starts from oneself, starts from the minor matter, starts from now, still can! In the vast grasslands nap; Under the beautiful sky, bathing in the clear river. Although this is just a dream, but I think that is will come true one day, so we try to do a good job in environmental protection. To realize this dream.

The survival of the earth is our planet, if she is dirty, how can we survive? If we are damaged, we can go? !










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