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2023-05-08 04:26:03




Someone said to me: a novel, not only to understand, and read to let people suffer the thoughts on torture. If there is no ready to suffer, don't open it. Open also makes no sense. Better save time to read some popular popular fiction, maybe you can also see some flowers. I don't believe at first, but after I read the, really to feel the thoughts of torture... The content of the article is not hard to understand, hard to understand is the author of the ubiquitous gossip! A lot of pain... Really hard to read.

The article involves many historic figures, plays... For example the author from the "wing of return" when it comes to the topic of the fourteenth century war between the tribes in Africa, when it comes to the French revolution, when it comes to people's resolution to Hitler's hatred, when it comes to the guillotine. One of the core of a word is: "disappeared once one-time life, no component like a shadow, also disappear forever no longer return. No matter if it's terror, whether beautiful, lofty, whether it's terror, noble and beautiful are dead in advance, it doesn't make any sense." The word "light" is undoubtedly articles of the eye. When it comes to "light", reminds me of a story. Is a king to his men, to see who is strong man. The content of the game is who can put a chicken hair thrown over the wall. A lot of people ended in failure. However, a minister was very smart, he will be whole chicken thrown over the wall, and then said to the king, can I put whole chicken thrown over the wall, let alone chicken feather? ! Yes, finally he won. By his wisdom. Let a person can't afford to "light", the answer is so simple. View, we've confused completely from the disregard of common sense, and the deeply ingrained prejudice of "light" and "heavy". Sometimes, light, really let a person cannot afford. Like a feather, it is very difficult to rely on strength threw it had high walls.

Traditionally, experience, imagination, we will think "heavy" let a person cannot afford, pressure of breath. To Mr Kundera here, suddenly we heard "light" let a person cannot afford. Mr Kundera's come oh ~

In the beginning, haven't read this book is, read a book name... Very deep... Hard to understand.

After reading this book, although some still don't understand, but there is a roughly outline. Mr Kundera revealed that human life can't bear the light, but he and the rest of us, unable to solve this problem. Because "wing of return" is impossible. National history and individual life is only once, no early, no draft, choice becomes meaningless. We don't choose fawning on customs, and can choose what? Ann know determination and courage against vulgar isn't another more vulgar? A people living on earth, how would it be possible to avoid vulgar? If convention is inevitable, then all the "heavy and difficult determination" is not light if a feather?

This is a kind of unbearable lightness of life. Mr Kundera expressed doubts about the ultimate meaning of life, and that is our predecessors' taken for granted and conviction. We have no choice and had to choose, we are opposed to vulgar and vulgar all the time...











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