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2023-05-08 07:44:03




The year August 15 is the Mid-Autumn festival, it is the most happy, is also a cool day, a year of hard work, but it bears fruit, finally we can taste the fruit sweet, celebrate the festival. To form a rich and colorful Mid-Autumn festival eating customs in China.

Eat moon cakes

"The Mid-Autumn festival to eat moon cakes," this is China's age-old traditions, whenever the wind month lang, osmanthus flowers into the heart of every family eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon, the pandas, HeHeMeiMei, don't have a taste. I remember in su dongpo verse: "small bread, such as chewing months, cake and candy" verse. In the yuan dynasty last years, the Mid-Autumn festival moon cakes have become delicious cakes. In some places celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival, such as jiangnan over the Mid-Autumn festival is a bit different, such as rich eat moon cakes, poor people ate pumpkin custom.

Eating pumpkin

"August half ate pumpkin" customs is how to? Legend a long time ago, there was a girl named yellow flower, yellow flower, beautiful, kind, clever. Due to the drought that year, chrysanthemum, older sick parents often lie on the bed, then chrysanthemum in nanshan grass found two flat wild melon, so he took him home and cook for parents, it's delicious, sweetly, increase appetite, after the two old man ate slowly disease. Huanghua the melon seeds in the ground, then grow many melon to, because he is from nanshan mining, so called pumpkins. From then on August 15, the tradition of eating pumpkin jiangnan is going around.

Osmanthus drink

Sweet osmanthus on the night of the Mid-Autumn festival, people looked at the middle of the month, smelling the bouts of cinnamon, drink a cup of sweet osmanthus, the whole family sitting together sweet; HeHeMeiMei, together, to become a kind of enjoy the holiday.












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