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2023-05-09 02:07:01




Speaking of my after school life, it is rich and colorful. I sometimes read books, sometimes riding a bike, sometimes to play roller skating, sometimes playing chess... In the after school activities, I like playing chess.

Remember once, my father and I together under a special chess. Dad played a "pledge", first I came to a pawn in the protection of "jump" Malaysia. Dad, "the horse eight into seven" arouse his Malay attack, I am busy flying like strengthening the central defensive. Then dad "SanJin a" opened the road, I will give a recruit "fairy the way" to block his horse... After a fierce battle, dad's car, horses, guns away by me, I proudly cock crossing, hum tunes. See father in no hurry, to recruit "three soldiers awarded", I have a look at the father's cross soldier menacing, busy transport eat this across the river, listen to dad walked over to say: "to fall for it!" The words sound just fell and used as give away my car. Ah! I didn't understand at this moment, is dad's ambush, I went into, I'm so regret. Then clear to overcast, the situation changed in the direction of the dad good immediately. For a while, my horse "die game", also "service", like around me and the "sacrifice", only a light pestle commander and a personal bodyguard "car". This kind of situation, I have to throw in the towel. Oh, what a "pride goes before a fall".

Chess is not only exercise my intellect and will, but also made me to understand the truth - do many things, as long as seriously, do "to win without pride and lose with grace", we will be able to succeed. Because of this, I deeply in love with playing chess, it has become an indispensable part of my after school life.



记得有一次,我和爸爸一起下了一场别开生面的象棋。爸爸先打了一个“当头炮”,我就来了个“马来跳”保护中卒。爸爸又“马八进七”调动他的马来进攻,我忙飞象加强中卫防守。接着爸爸 “兵三进一”开通马路,我就使了一招“仙人指路”来挡住他的马……经过一场激烈的`交战,爸爸的车、马、炮被我一扫而光,我得意地翘起二郎腿,哼起了小调。只见爸爸不慌不忙,来了招“兵三平一”,我一看爸爸的过河兵来势汹汹,忙用车把这过河兵吃掉,只听爸爸笑呵呵地说:“上当了吧!”话音刚落,就用象把我的车给飞走了。啊!这时我才明白,原来是爸爸设下的埋伏,我竟然中计了,我好后悔。接着“晴转多云”,形势马上向着爸爸有利的方向变了。一会儿功夫,我的马“英勇就义”,炮也 “为国捐躯”,我身边的象士都“壮烈牺牲”了,只剩下一个光杆司令和一个贴身侍卫“车”了。这种形势,我只好拱手认输。唉,真是 “骄兵必败”啊。





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