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2023-05-09 03:13:04




My study life is colorful, it brings me endless joy, let me feel very substantial every day. Learning in class, there is a teacher with us. The classroom atmosphere is very active, add color to my study life. Besides classroom learning, in my study life is also colorful extracurricular time, such as in the dormitory, dormitory is not only a place of rest, it is a good place for reading books, especially the break time. Every day after lunch, one by one with the dormitory like juggling dig out all kinds of books, a library, a random house rented, have their own to buy, a wide source. These book, teaches people how to maintain self-esteem "Jane eyre", there are describe the power of the place of overlord xiang yu, there are showing a generation of empress "wu zetian"... Classics in the world is wonderful, all-encompassing magazine cuddly, we see our own "girlfriend", see the description of our "golden years". But also has passed and we "boys and girls"; Bad mood to search for a "bosom friend" and so on. A good book in hand, in all the troubles behind, because there is a book, nap, sleep late also see, have countless lights hide to see in bed, even at the risk lit a candle also want to see, so often was knocking at the door by the dormitory inspectors for three transgressions of five times. Read a good book, someone always want to share with you. "The slumber" time every night we talk about the most is books. We review of China's four big classics literary value, the famous masterpiece of Collins white woman, analysis "rouge et noir" in literary status... Even the hero to huff; We talk about wu sangui, evaluation of Lin daiyu, Bi treasure chai, wu zetian, empress dowager cixi, express we have seen, and the butterflies. The old saying said: the book has its own gold room, the book has its own beautiful woman. But we read not to contradict hall, also not for beautiful woman, we pray for knowledge, a knowledge which couldn't be found at school, we use it to open up, arm our minds, enrich our spiritual world.


我的学习生活是多姿多彩的,它给我带来无穷的乐趣,让我每天都感到很充实。在课堂上的学习,是有老师跟我们一起进行的。课堂气氛非常活跃,给我的"学习生活增添了色彩。除了课堂上的学习之外,在课外时间我的学习生活也是丰富多彩的,比如在宿舍,宿舍既是休息的地方,也是看书的好场所,尤其是午休前时间。每天吃完午饭,同宿舍的一个个像变戏法般翻出各种各样的书来看,有图书馆借来的,有书屋租来的,有自己花钱买的,可谓来源之广。这些书中,有教人如何维护自尊的《简·爱》,有描述项羽夺权争霸的《西楚霸王》,有展现一代女皇风采的《武则天》……世界名著固然精彩,包罗万象的杂志也令人爱不释手,我们看属于自己的《女友》,看描写我们的《金色年华》。还看已经与我们擦肩而过的《少男少女》;心情不佳时去寻觅《知音》等等。 一本好书在手,一切烦恼都抛于脑后,因为有书,午休看,晚睡也看,曾无数次打手电筒躲在被窝里看,甚至不惜冒险点起蜡烛也要看,经常因此而遭到宿舍检查人员三番五次的敲门警告。读了一本好书,总是希望有人与你分享。每天晚上的“卧谈”时间我们谈得最多的也是书。我们评中国四大名著的文学价值,论柯林斯的成名之作《白衣女人》,析《红与黑》在文学上的地位…… 连作品中的主人公也要评头论足一番;我们谈吴三桂、评林黛玉、薜宝钗、赞武则天,骂慈禧太后,我们各抒已见,侃侃而谈,神采飞扬。古语说:书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。 但我们读书既不求黄金屋,也不为颜如玉,我们求的是知识,一种在课堂上学不到的知识,用它来开拓我们的视野,武装我们的头脑,充实我们的精神世界。




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