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2023-05-10 02:56:03




"Tick, tick" yi, my little alarm clock hour hand and minute hand walk between digital disk again. "Jingle bell, jingle bell," gosh, it's so late telephone make again, very not easy to handle the naughty alarm clock, nasty knock on the door quietly thinking of...

Listen, the voice is my favorite song, he regularly, the crisp, ease. Listening to this song, I seem to enter the nature: the thunder, wind, rain mixed together, become a symphony. Listen to "bark, ji ji, a moo, quack..." The animals are to concert! All of a sudden, it's an earthquake, the earthquake sound like a god in the roar, frighten animals in a mess, after a long time, the earthquake subsided, dew babies are playing with a green leaf slide, "ding ding ding ding" how happy they are!!! After a while, it didn't sound, I came back from the nature, fans chanting: welcome home owner; Rice cooker push me to eat quickly.

The next day, the way to school, I heard the car horn called "hurry up and get out of the way, hurry up and get out of the way" people along the way whispering, laughing, to the school, the classroom laughter, screaming like a tornado, rolled the teacher in the middle.

I want to become wind, bring cool idea; I would like to become rain that moistens the earth; I want to become a drip, let people drink no water region of cool water; I would like to become the applause, to bring progress of praise, let them to the next level. I would like to become...









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