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2023-05-10 04:36:10




Whenever in the day, grandma buys it serve fish or fowl to people, to the circular on red paper, to burn money before FoTai. Stuck FoTai before with a pair of candles, incense, a fire burning in the holding, grandmother constantly add at paper, until reduced to ashes. Smoke in the house, but we still have to kowtowing to the Buddha.

At night, the hungry we can't wait to eat moon cakes, because parents today have a rest, so the family reunion together eat moon cakes will be permeated with the sense of excitement. Grandma cut a big moon cake, first, she put the two cakes on the hearth, and did obeisance worship, finally began to eat... .. When we eat almost put paper lamp will go out.

In the Mid-Autumn festival paper light, is the elder sister want to idea. This program, it is a very romantic thing. Grandmother took out a few pieces of colorful paper, she will be thick paper in my hands rub to rub, let the paper became soft, so we can folded convenient. We immediately took out the candle in a side, point on the fire, and burn candles. Xinlingshouqiao grandmother three times five divided by two fold paper into a large ship. We took the paper, its and sides evenly drops below the candles on the oil, then the other small and exquisite small cups of candle in the middle of the paper. Family to put up a paper to the river, the light lit up the paper, the drift in the water, we are all closed his eyes, silently make a wish...

After we sat in the balcony, looking at the moon in the sky, eating moon cakes, said there is a beautiful legend about the Mid-Autumn festival, xiehouyu guess about chang e... . So, I gradually fell asleep.

Every Mid-Autumn festival, because the custom and special meaningful!










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