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2023-05-11 02:58:02




Today is a boring weekend, mom and going out to accounting training, I became a trapped in the cage "beast". After lunch, she diao "old man" for three transgressions of five times read aloud: "jun is strong, you a person at home reading a book to do homework well, rest appropriately when watching TV for a while, don't go out, so as not to encounter bad people..." "Ouch, my ears hear are coming to the callus and old told me to stay at home, you must teach me some self-defense skills!!!!" The mother had no reasonable ground to say: "what are you going to learn skills ah, don't go out is the best thing to do!" Mom said to change shoes to go out, "Bye - Bye! Little darling, obedient!" "This is boring!" I looked at the mother downstairs figure without the ground say, and then the left door, according to the insurance, the door is really shut yourself in your home. I a person at home and took out the homework seriously do it, time quietly from the side slip through, after two hours, the mother hasn't come back, don't have a phone call.

I have a little afraid, just turn on the TV, there is the serial TV painted skin, the skin of terror frighten me fearful, couldn't help my mind emerge TV in and out of the painted skin appearance, frighten quickly went into his room, the safety lock of the door, and then put a quilt jilt, wrapped in the body, open the computer to play games. When I was playing, "ding dong, ding dong" the doorbell rang, is mom's back, as I stood up for an instant, the head of the uncle said to me last night that sentence: you'll have to see who is knocking at the door, ask who, then, call mother again to verify situation, don't be so quick to open the door! I moved to the stool, look outwards from the cat's eye on the door, turned out to be a grandmother, hurriedly happy to open the door, my heart in your voice of the eye also follow down. Now I just know I haven't grown up, still need to grow up under the wings of the mom and dad, but I want a person can stand on its own, to become a true little man. It looks like, have to start from the practice courage.


今天又是一个烦闷的周末,妈妈又要出门去会计培训,我又成了一只被困在笼子里的“野兽”了。 午饭后,她“老人家”三番五次地叼念着:“钧强,你一个人在家好好看书做作业,休息时适当看一会儿电视,不要随意出门,以免碰到不良的人……” “哎哟,我的耳根听得都快生老茧了,老叫我呆在家里,你总要教我一些防身的本领吧!”妈妈毫不讲理地说:“你要学什么本领呀,不出门就是最好的办法!”妈妈说着准备换鞋出门了,“Bye—Bye!小乖乖,听话!” “真无聊!”我望着妈妈下楼的背影不平地说,然后一甩门,把门按上了保险,真的把自己关在了家里。 我一个人在家里拿出作业本认真地做了起来,时间悄悄地从身旁溜过,过了两个小时了,妈妈还没回来,也没有一个电话。

我有一点儿害怕,就打开电视,电视正在播放《聊斋》的画皮,那画皮恐怖的模样吓得我心惊胆战,不由得脑海里浮现出电视中一出出的画皮模样,吓得飞快地钻进了自己的房间里,把门的保险锁了上去,然后把被子一甩,裹在身上,把电脑打开玩游戏。当我正在玩的时候,“叮咚,叮咚”门铃响了,是妈妈回来了,就在我站起来的`一瞬间,脑袋里想起了昨天晚上叔叔对我说过的那句话:你要先看看敲门的是谁,再问找谁,然后,再打电话给妈妈核实情况,不要急着开门!我搬来凳子,从门上的猫眼向外看,原来是外婆来了,连忙高兴地把门打开了,我提在嗓门眼的心也跟着放下来了。 现在我才知道我还没长大,还需要在爸爸妈妈的翅膀下成长,可我希望自己一个人能够自立,成为一个真正的小小男子汉。看样子,得从练胆子做起。




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