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2023-05-11 04:48:03




Today is 918, if it weren't for open school party today, I really don't remember what day is today, today is our Chinese National Day, on this day in 78, this vast country of China had the whole island countries bullying by Japan, today this group we are the flowers of the motherland, unexpectedly gave forget this day, because our learning task is too heavy to forget? Or no, because we are too busy too tired to...

Not it is because we too not familiar with the history, we have no life in that era, we can't deep realize people's pain and helpless at that time, we don't know how many revolutionary martyrs shed is our happy life today, their return, because we really is too happy, abundant since the childhood, carefree, and we have not lost so we don't know how to cherish

But history is history and national humiliation is true, we can't because is used to keep in mind the victory, success and glory, and the failure, scars, and humiliation. History always continuous precipitation, history and human collective memory, is people don't know if a nation "from", don't know "where". We are the future of the motherland, the nation's hope, if we even forgotten the history, that our national He Zhenxing talk

I remember that lu xun once said a words: "wisdom is the wisdom, young rich or national wealth, young strong a country is strong, young independent kingdom independent, freedom is the freedom, young progress is progress, young than European countries than in Europe, young males in the earth is the male in the earth."

We are young, the future of our motherland is in our hands, how we temporarily not to say to the people, how to do and die. As long as we work wholeheartedly, not great, but beg is worthy of the heart.

As long as everyone with a sincere heart, sincere treatment of each and every one, sincere to treat life, cherish our hard-won happiness! Forget-us-not the suffering and humiliation of the Chinese nation, must not let history repeat itself!











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