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勿忘国耻 爱我中华优秀英语作文

2023-05-11 04:49:02

勿忘国耻 爱我中华优秀英语作文



"Late on September 18, 1931, 10 PM, the Japanese kwantung army island this brigade kawashima squadron under the river takes the guard lieutenant leading several people, in shenyang near LiuTiaoHu BeiDaYing south about 800 meters, the south manchuria railway tracks to blow up a while. The Japanese army in this arrangement, a fake site set 3 in a Chinese soldier bodies, FanWu is Chinese army destroyed railway. This is" LiuTiaoHu event ". The Japanese independent defense the second battalion or attack BeiDaYing weighing up to China post.

4 PM on September 19 morning, the Japanese independent defense fifth brigade arrive by tieling BeiDaYing to join the battle. 5 and a half, weighing up the seventh trip back to shenyang dongshan mouthpiece, Japanese troops occupied the BeiDaYing. Weighing in combat casualties of more than 300 people, the Japanese casualties 24 people.

Incident happens, the KMT government cable weighing up: "the Japanese move but picking properties, expand for relief event for the purpose of, absolutely do not resist." At that time, the Japanese kwantung army only more than 10000 people, while China's in the northeast has 16. 50000 people. Weighing up the troops accept no resistance instructions for many times, in front of the Japanese surprise attack, except a small number of violations of Chiang kai-shek ordered to stand and fight, the rest are without fighting back.

On September 19 at 8 in the morning, the Japanese little resistance to the occupation of the city shenyang. Weighing up to jinzhou. The country's largest factory in shenyang and gun factory along with 9. More than 50000 rifles, machine guns, 2500 more than 650 cannons, more than 2300 door mortars, more than 260 aircraft, as well as the large number of ammunition, equipment, supplies, etc., all fell into the hands of the Japanese. On September 18, according to statistics, only overnight, shenyang loss is more than 1.8 billion yuan.

Since then, northeast China's armed forces to continue around the Chiang kai-shek's not resistance, make the Japanese rapidly occupation of the three provinces of liaoning, jilin, heilongjiang. "Is more than a few decades ago that incident happened. 300000 weighing don't put one gun shot, all the three northeast provinces have fallen. There is so much pain in baishan blackwater, starvation, ground war soon burn all over the Chinese shenzhou. Green fields again, in the hills, the sons and daughters shed their blood for the home countries. After eight years of fighting, great cost the Oriental devil out of the house. Time flies, today is the new millennium. Before Wang Xietang swallows flying at unusual stranger lane, the broken halberd in the river sand in low voice SOB, but many people have forgotten. We can't forget the four word yue marshal back stabbing. We can't forget broadsword, can't forget the taierhchuang, cannot forget Song Shanghai a bloody battle, can't forget the tears from nanjing of stains on the wall. There are too many things we can't forget.

"Bronze is a guide, can is clothes; the ancient as the guide, can know the rise and fall." Another 918 is coming, autumn wild goose south version history decided to hold back the memory of the campaign. Content to mention historical figures or historical stories of the war of resistance, the article before the wording, please indicate that essay. Die is: TieMaJinGe battle, samurai sweep Hu Chen awake. Educational game-writing protocol history biography, dragons shi han.








【勿忘国耻 爱我中华优秀英语作文】



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