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2023-05-13 03:03:02




Miss li, I know, in your heart, I am an ordinary and ordinary students, but in my heart, you are like my mother, has been guarding me, I have a lot of words to say to you.

My grades are good, but to write a composition but die board, to write a composition, I check my computer is not translated as documents, to try and still no content. Miss li, like you read my mind, teaching you to teach me, you are not in a hurry to call I how to composition, but broad with me, at some point I have a composition of inspiration, so a composition written is a breeze. After school, I really want to say "thank you", but I always look at you busy figure, always can't speak out.

Once, rascal wanjie idle, then went to my seat, playing with relish the game, I have seen a loudly shouted: "get out of the way!" He saw me, and begin to fight against with me, I don't have the time to strike back, nose was hit by a shower his fist shed nosebleed, the teacher of the students present hurriedly report, listen to what others say, you are corrects students' papers, I heard that my nose bleeding, you hurriedly run down, with warm water wash my nose, paper again blocked nose, I can't touch it. After school, have you seen my nose still slight bleeding, and the paper has been soaked with blood, and you give me a piece of paper again. Miss li, you know, I'm so grateful to you, I really want to save to your arms and feel your warm love.

Miss li, you are like my mother, moist love with me, you is the best teacher in my heart! This is what I want to tell you the truth.









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