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2023-05-14 03:02:02




Today is anniversary of the67 anniversary of the founding of our country, put a seven-day holiday, I look forward to this day.

Seven-day holiday finally arrived, the adults to arrange their own holiday life, others will take their children to travel, some to take their children to the countryside to visit my grandpa, grandma, and the relatives of the autumn harvest home help home...... But the children! Some are parents too firmly, some arrangement composition, orsay, dance, English... Tina: not a moment to rest, every day, learn your heads. This year my grandfather on my request to my unexpected, I thought, as they are, to participate in all kinds of cram school. Grandpa let me free to arrange, however, it would not be forced. So every day I finish all kinds of homework in the morning and the evening and rest in the afternoon.sometimes watch TV, or play chess, one of the most means is to visit the painting and calligraphy exhibition, that I know Chinese calligraphy, for thousands of years of cultural history, also visited the new municipal government and culture square, now cannot grow tall majestic city government building, coupled with the culture square of music fountain and compared to the old city, was a bowl, can see the new municipal government of fuzhou have big change, big development, also visited fuzhou park, for pleasure boating in the park, enjoy the beauty of autumn fragrance season.

Ah! The seven-day holiday this year, I have no other no beam, the freedom of arrangement, both learn books no knowledge, also feel very excited and happy.








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