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2023-05-14 05:22:07




The teacher came into our classroom Tang Youquan, your eyes would be attracted to the north of flowers and plants on the cabinet, that's our class plants Angle. Look, the POTS of flowers and plants all hold your head high, more spirit, more proud! Dahlia leaves are dark green, the branches with six flower wankou large flowers open. Pink petals in the green leaves foil below, appear more gorgeous, is really red flowers need greenery line! Chrysanthemum indicum compared with dahlia is more small, but it has to be able to compete and dahlia. Not, clusters of flowers to get full, nearly, like little round round: well look, like a big ball. Gather together the past smell, a fragrant, refreshing. Pepper is no less, the trunk has several branches, strewn at random have send, around. Green leaves, dotted with dozens of small, heart-shaped chili, pale yellow, with purple, red. "Hey, why the same strain of chili have different color?" Tang teacher told us: "just grow chili is pale yellow, gradually, became the purple, etc. It has matured, turned red." Look again at bracketplant "the three musketeers". Their leaves are elongated, but different colors. Look, on the right side of a basin of middle leaf is white, the edge is green, like a Mosaic of two jade belt; In the middle of a basin with it on the contrary, leaf is green, middle edge is white, like the two white necklace; And a pot of blade are all green, showy. Three basin of chlorophytum each have each elegant demeanour, is worth watching. Just described is only the tip of the iceberg, to tell you the truth, in our class there is a lot of attractive flowers and plants in Angle of plants, like the tender is about to drip drip guanyin, small and exquisite of aloe vera, pure white and flawless, faint scent of jasmine, tightly attracted the line of sight of you, let you linger. Listen to my introduction, you eyes are bigger? As the saying goes, seeing is believing. You must have time to see oh, guaranteed to feast your eyes. n types, all received.


老师唐有泉 走进我们的教室,你的目光准会被北边柜子上的花草吸引,那是我们班的植物角。瞧,那一盆盆花草个个抬头挺胸,多精神,多神气! 大丽花的叶子是深绿色的,枝头开放着六朵碗口大的花儿。粉红的花瓣在绿叶的.衬托下,显得更加艳丽,真是红花还需绿叶衬啊! 野菊花跟大丽花比起来可就小多了,但是,它却能和大丽花媲美。这不,一簇簇花挨挨挤挤,近看,像一轮轮小太阳:远看,像一个大绣球。凑过去闻一闻,一股清香扑鼻而来,令人神清气爽。 彩椒也不逊色,主干上有几个分枝,错落有致,向四周展开。绿叶丛中点缀着几十个小小的、鸡心形的辣椒,有淡黄色的,有紫色的,有红色的。“咦,同一株上的辣椒为什么会有不同的颜色呢?”唐老师告诉我们:“刚长出来的辣椒是淡黄色的,渐渐地,就变成了紫色,等它成熟了,就变成了红色。” 再看看吊兰“三剑客”吧。它们的叶片都是长条形的,但颜色不同。瞧,右边的一盆叶片中间是白色的,边缘是绿色的,像镶了两条碧玉带;中间的一盆跟它相反,叶片中间是绿色的,边缘是白色的,像带了两条白项链;还有一盆叶片全是绿的,油亮油亮的。三盆吊兰各有各的风采,都很值得欣赏。 刚才介绍的只不过是冰山一角,不瞒你说,我们班的植物角还有好多迷人的花草呢,像娇嫩欲滴的滴水观音啦,小巧玲珑的芦荟啦,洁白无瑕、清香四溢的茉莉花啦,都会把你的视线紧紧吸引,让你流连忘返。 听了我的介绍,你是不是眼馋啦?俗话说,百闻不如一见。有时间你一定要来观赏哦,保证会让你大饱眼福的。




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