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2023-05-15 04:01:01




Winter morning there is no fresh air of spring, summer is so dry, the autumn harvest song, but it has its own unique style.

In the morning, I walked to the crossroads, heartily feel the winter chill, the peace of winter. I seem to also into winter morning. There are many, many old grandpa grandma, suddenly I saw in a shop in front of the long lines. I asked my mother to ask questions: the old man doing? What activities are doing upstairs? Because it has a businessman doing a therapeutic apparatus propaganda activity, it is said that this kind of therapeutic apparatus can treat many kinds of diseases, to experience the person is free, so the older person would come. The mother patiently explained to me. Oh, is originally this, looks like the old grandpa grandma oh attaches great importance to their health.

As they walked along, my mother and I chat and soon came to the square edge. Has gradually hilarious, when the people come out one after another, very busy. A look at the past, I saw many old people dressed in uniform, also saw two pillars in the middle banner, reading: elderly tai chi chuan association. One side of the old man is happy morning exercise has been accompanied by a beautiful song. I think, although they are old man, but by the soft with just tai chi, can see their health, you can learn from their graceful dance to see their lovely. Perhaps in their heart health is first.

Although the cold winter morning, but let me know of the wind tests the strength! Those old people let me understand that health is the sports, I love winter morning.

As the author said perhaps less likeable winter morning. From the author of this paper, we still see another kind of beauty of the winter. The health of the old man happily fitness it was winter morning unique scenery.



早晨,我走到十字路口,尽情地感受着冬的寒意,冬的宁静。我仿佛也融入到冬天的早晨中。忽然我看见有许许多多老爷爷老奶奶,在一家商店前排着长长的队伍。爱问问题的我问妈妈: 这些老人在干啥呀?是不是楼上在搞什么活动呢? 因为这上面有商家在做一种治疗仪宣传活动,据说这种治疗仪可以治疗很多种疾病,来体验的人是免费的`,所以这些老年人才会来呀。 妈妈耐心地跟我解释道。 哦,原来是这样,看来老爷爷老奶奶们很重视自己的身体健康噢 。


冬天的早晨虽然寒冷,但是让我明白 疾风知劲草! 那些老人们让我明白健康在于运动,我爱冬天的早晨。





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