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2023-05-15 05:56:02




This is a sunny morning. I saw the street jollification, oh! Today is the 67 anniversary of the founding of new China.

I think: "how could you let dad hard work outside easily? How can you make will take care of my mother every day happy?" So I think a good idea.

I give dad leg, dad reading a book, my father told me the UFO stories and mystery of the world, I shuddered, hand all bitten red, but still want to listen to, I feel my mind wandering, want to let dad to stop, but really want to listen to. I were deeply stories to confused. Again afraid again after hearing the story of love. Then let the mother easily. I about several partners to go shopping, of course, they will take their mother to. Because a few mother are good friends. Around for a while other children are not interested. I observed that mothers around was happy! So I persuade friends. Meticulous care of every day we tell them: mothers, how tired! Friends think that I said makes sense. Will continue shopping with mothers, to choose clothes. Mothers see us so obedient, praise we say: "good boy, grown up." Hear mothers praise we like to eat the honey as sweet in the heart, alacrity. I know mothers all like to go shopping. Just to take care of at ordinary times we don't have time to go.

In this way, we spent a happy National Day. There is no self-centered as usual. But I am also very happy. Because I felt I grew up in slowly, in the interests of adults. See mom and dad happy, oneself also happy.









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