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2023-05-15 06:40:02




I met a lot of each other to take care of things, let me the most memorable thing, is one day, when I was in the door, only to find that forgot to take my keys, neighbors helped me.

This afternoon, I walk on the path home, the sun also quickly down the mountain, I go to the front door, suddenly realized that if did not take the key. I turned over several times bag did not find him. On a business trip and I want to, today, mother and father to work overtime.

Just when I was in a hurry, a complete aunt came over and said to me: "kid, you don't have the keys? Do you want to, I lend you my cell phone to call mom and dad?" She looked at me don't believe her, and said: "I'm your new neighbor, may be you don't know, I just moved here last week." Seem to have it, so I use cell phone to make a phone call to dad first, tell him, I was in the neighborhood.

I go into her house and she will bring me slippers, and then said to me: "you go to the sitting room to do homework. Finished, can watch TV for a while." I said to my father with his neighbors to get home late, but she said without hesitation: "it doesn't matter, in my house for dinner, just I a person at home."

Wait for Ge after dinner, she told me some things and experiences.

"Ding dong, ding dong......" Aunt, interrupted me and conversation. Aunt said: "certainly is your daddy came back to pick you up, prepare yourself." After dad thanks to aunt at the door, put me back home.

After this matter, my neighbor and I became good friends. Sometimes, not also ask her homework. I feel the love is the most warm words. Living in a warm caring atmosphere, more beautiful.












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