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2023-05-16 07:37:05




A naughty monkey every day to stay in the zoo, it feel very vexed. Because it's naughty, not only by the mother often blame, but regularly beat and scold by zookeepers. It always thinking in my heart, I've had enough! I want to free! One day, take the zoo administrators do not pay attention to, never about the iron gate on the sneak out. So, have an amazing story...

The little monkey escaped from the zoo, and danced for joy, it think that everything in the world is so fresh, so amazing, the outside world is wonderful! It saw buildings towering skyscrapers, alongside a variety of colorful cars go flying everywhere, clusters of fashionable dress of men and women... Help little monkey look upside down, and, finally began to fantasize: what if my father, mother, uncle elephant, deer, lion's uncle and my friends have a look, it would be great! Think, think, little monkey secretly swear: I must save them out!

Slowly dark down, the silence all round, little monkey crept came to the zoo, easily climbed over the railings, quietly turned into a zoo keeper's cottage, gently picked up the keys on the table, quickly ran out, quickly opened the lock with a key, "everyone is free!" Little monkey said happily. Animals in droves from burst out of the door, quickly ran out of the zoo, ran to the streets, ready to rush to the big forest. The animals noise to wake the sleeping people, have a look out of the window, get a shock, immediately dumbstruck!

The police were called and tried to capture the animals. However, the animals want to determined to obtain freedom over all, the elephant and the lions charge in the former, the tiger, protected by a large number of animals, the police see there, and were tanks, armoured vehicles, aircraft and artillery. "Boom! Boom!" Send anesthesia play a relentlessly toward the fauna... In front of the collapsed, and closely follow behind, animals braved the bullets, still move on... Finally, the animals free determination finally moved the people, have conceded a road to escort the animals back to the forest safe and sound. And also all the other animals in the zoo.

Since then, humans and animals forged a deep friendship, help each other, peaceful coexistence.










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