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2023-05-16 07:59:03




Is not the patent of great beauty, in the ordinary, can have another beautiful.

In the hustle and bustle of city, people, no one will notice in the road, there is a small piece of bread is quietly moving. Close attention, only to find that a group of ants carrying this little piece is hard. In the face of dozens of times larger than their own "monster" they are not in fear, they only know that in front of the nest, there are many need them raise ants. The nest is a clear division of responsibilities, since they became responsible for ants searching for food, you must assume the responsibility. They are ordinary, and even cannot stand out in a small nest. They use their own sweat has brought up all the ants in the nest, although they are ordinary, but they have the beauty of the responsibility.

In the silence of the desert, sparsely populated, no one will know in the gobi desert, there are rows of poplar trees are swaying. That's what the unknown guards in the motherland frontier of poplar. Instead of them in the face of the desert sand, no fear, against the wind, to compete with them, they are in the maintenance of the safety of the motherland, which is one of the guards in the motherland frontier line fighter! Their branches stand up, show their spirit striving to make progress. They are not necessarily tall, but each one inch tall, have been accumulated. They use their body guard the frontier for the motherland, with their own spirit to show the world the spirit! Although they are ordinary, but they have strong beauty.

In a remote mountain village, inaccessible, the only place small house, is located in the mountains. On the hillside, there is a primary school, the top of lang lang. Here, perhaps only several teachers to teach her a dozen children. The children are eager to the outside world, however, their only desire. On the earth of the motherland, there are thousands of such schools. Teachers are volunteers from all over the motherland, they gave up the life of the city, many people gave up the well-paid profession, in order to came to the village, a rain to bring more children knowledge. Their name is rural teacher, they will own sweat sprinkled on the podium in a mountain village school, devoted all their youth to mountain village children's future. One village children out of the mountain, to the city; A there is a college student entered the village, left the city. Everyone has his own ideal, ideal of rural teacher's great! Although they are ordinary, but they have the beauty of the dedicated.

We are ordinary, but we are all beautiful. In the ordinary, can also have another beautiful!










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