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2023-05-17 02:06:04




I have a heart as warm as spring - home. Have a care about my mother in the home, concentrate on my work's father, lively and clever me.

Mother is a "housewife", but also is quite verbose. She is not only the home of every tube in perfect order, but also tube I study every day. Look, as long as write a homework from school every day she would say: "the more the more, the homework is good not ah? Bring me to Chou Chou." She will teach me patiently. But after teach me constantly criticizing my careless ah, don't think, and said in a row on a dozen times, finally also not so never got the good grades. I spit spit tongue in a side, said: "the next time I must correct them."

Dad? Is a "lazy". Once go out mother hasn't come back, I do work well is to use the Internet after dad look, as a result, he just cook's view lamp, hastily looked at said: "well, well, all right." The mother came back in a minute, "good enough" father, I again let mom give me check it again. Do wrong as a result, there are two problems, my mother is in one hand and a workbook, hand the fork wear a waist to bent on use the Internet's father, said angrily: "in children's study, you are so irresponsible, she let you check when you should put all the work and patient look carefully, you see the two wrong you check out." After dad listened to the words stand up embarrassedly say; "I'm sorry, I will check carefully." Dad, however, will often go wrong, because he not put in the hands of the work.

In the end, I could not be omitted, of course, I'm a "a deep card". On Saturday, my mother had to go to work, she let me homework quietly at home, and then she went out. I think: hey, mom had to go to work today, this is I play a good time! I want to play, to play with. I ran to the upstairs, go and zhang aunt's little sister crazy to play up. Suddenly I heard my mother's footsteps, I fear, use my scud kung fu, rushes to the home, three steps and two steps. Pretend to do homework seriously, mom a look, and said: "hey, today is quite serious?!" Look, I'm smart enough!

In the happy and warm home, because there is love so we are happy, I love my family.










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