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2023-05-17 02:08:06




Saturday, the weather is sunny, the air crisp, held the annual autumn sports meeting in our school.

We went to the west the playground, there was a sea of people, first of all, held a solemn flag-raising ceremony. We accompanied by music sang the national anthem. The five-star red flag rose slowly. Then the radio gymnastics competition, this is the test we spirit of solidarity, each class to be a neat team, ever walked into the venue, as broadcast gymnastics "colorful sunshine" rhythm and music, every classmate did particularly well.

Next, to the 100 meters race, which I took to the track, half squat legs, ears wait for the gun to the. Only heard a gunshot, my eyes staring at the front, my arm force, fast exceed big step on like a tiger ran, next to the audiences clap and cheer us.

In the afternoon, the relay RACES, 20 people per shift, respectively in the north and south on both sides, there are 50 meters apart,. "Pa" pistol rang, the students like left arrow, fast run, passed the stick on to classmates. See the baton passed back and forth between the classmate, is the most wonderful in the transmission rod, 19 three classmates go hand in hand, at this moment, everyone is very nervous mood, cheer for the students. In the end we won the third place.

Through this game, I know: the game is not rely on a person's strength, but by groups of power and wisdom. Sports is to participate, process is the most important and the most wonderful. The games, brought us a lot of enlightenment.



我们来到了西操场,那里人山人海,首先,举行了庄严地升旗仪式。我们伴随着音乐 唱起国歌。五星红旗徐徐升起。然后是广播体操比赛,这是考验我们团结精神的比赛,一个个班级排着整齐的队伍,雄赳赳气昂昂地走进了比赛场地,随着广播体操“七彩阳光”的节奏和音乐, 每一个同学都做得格外出色。







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