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2023-05-17 03:54:04




Dear teacher, dear students: everyone!

Students, when you walk on the way to clean and tidy, do you think of hard work the cleaners aunt? When you are comfortable sitting in the bus, you will think of busy uncle? When you are in the dining room enjoy delicious, you can think of is the hot in the kitchen cook uncle? They are silently doing contribution for the society. These seemingly insignificant contribution, it is indispensable to us. The topic of my speech today is: learn to be grateful.

Gratitude is one of the most simple, the most sincere a kind of emotion, is also a kind of noble values and outlook on life. We should learn to Thanksgiving, to thank the people who make a contribution to society, to give people a warm, and give others a happy. Can bring happiness to others, is also very great, everyone will be more like you and respect you. Pain to others, it is hated by people and hate, no one will be willing to close to him, to make friends with him.

Have students will ask: "that we how to Thanksgiving others?" Actually very simple. , for example, you go to the bakery to buy breakfast, to sell breakfast of uncle aunt say "thank you", a gentle smile, can give others happiness and a sense of accomplishment, and grateful people. For example, walk on the road, eating snacks, the packaging is thrown into the trash can, is a kind of gratitude for housekeepers. It is very easy to do things, but it can bring happiness to others, is a how meaningful thing!

The classmates, thanks to others, from small start. Let us act together!


敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!








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