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2023-05-17 04:39:04




Young youth teenagers, it is a good time for dating. The sun has never in blooming flower of friendship, with a smile, but it does have some flowers in the shrinking fade.

The flower of friendship is in full bloom, because of you because of your smile. Your enthusiasm, the sight of the class, said: "hi, what's your name?" In this way, planted the seeds of a friendship. Later, and then gradually to care, the flowers of friendship are in full bloom, but you also don't forget to often go to arrange it, with the mind of the rain to pour out, with the warm like sunshine to warm it, with a tolerance of the hand to protect it, only in this way, you the flower of friendship will always bloom to you, smile, four seasons Chang Xian. The teacher said: "the friendship between classmates is the most pure, because you have no interest in this period can be." So, we don't miss this golden age, dating to diligently sow, good protection, so the harvest will be fruitful, friendship will also remains in your heart forever after.

The flower of friendship will shrink or even die because of you. It is like a fragile glass. The so-called "short pleasure, long lament", a small misunderstanding, would have to shrink the flower of friendship, it will be your sunshine, so as to accelerate its die. Not the heart of tolerance, understanding and love the heart of the people, he is doomed to be isolated, by the time you regret, if you want to be a kind of live you the flower of friendship, even if you spend more than twice as many as previous thoughts is not good. So must not underestimate this young flowers, otherwise, the end is to lose yourself.

Cherish the golden age of the sow the flower of friendship! As soon as possible to choose the appropriate seeds, with passion to sow, in the rain to pour out of the mind, with tolerance, love, care, harvesting with smile. Only in this way, the flower of friendship will be in full bloom, because of you because of your smile. Make haste to sow the seeds of friendship, you waiting for you the joy of harvest!









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