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2023-05-18 04:45:06




We live in the same earth, a total of a piece of blue sky. We live in the same round sun, with a Shared their homes. Green is the color of life, represents the life represents hope. With the development of science and technology, human progress, green is more and more to less. Forest into a desert, birds lost their home. Blue sky no longer blue, rarely see a flock of birds in the sky freedom fly. For a long time, large areas of forest in being cut down, the air quality is in constant deterioration. One-off chopsticks for sell in our country, people not reflected on the ecological not value? This need how many trees! Human deforestation that nature is losing its primary colors of life, let the animals lose their homes, make humans lose the most beautiful and most real scene. In fact this is not good care environment.

Students, when you see a piece of paper scraps, would you pick it up? When you see someone in destroying the environment, if you stop before meeting? Good care environment, is our every student should do. Only care for the environment, we can live in a comfortable environment. Some students were not, in the classroom, in the hallway, littering, on the lawn. This is all don't care for the environment. And we all want to be care for the environment of good citizens. Start from the little things around us. For example; See the confetti want to pick it up, don't litter convenience bag, don't trample on the lawn and so on. Can't let the earth mother sad. There is only one earth, let the blue sky blue forever, let the sun always bright, let this beautiful home never disappear. Have a nice home for us and try our best to!







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