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2023-05-19 02:56:03




The annual autumn sports meeting was held on the playground. The official start of the game, to the best of the tournament's four hundred m final, see the classmates all fight, came to the starting line, only heard a gunshot, the students like the arrow off the string out of the starting line, flew at a run. Our class's Yang wei although there are some short legs, but soon, his frequency is one of the pioneers in our class. In the process of running very well, I saw his head up, took his stride, his hand clenched, swaying back and forth, stare big eyes, while the other class also has a master, but Yang wei ran forward, put don't classmates far behind. The students in our class for him to exert himself, loudly shout: "Yang wei come on! Yang wei win!" Later, Yang wei ran faster and faster, easily achieved the first prize. We are so happy for him, the teacher in charge teacher guo also excited.

Is my next 200 m final, I slowly get ready, standing on the edge of the starting line, here is the good position, I held my breath and listened to the referee's password, with a breathtaking shot, rushed out of the starting line in their ears trend, I stare eyes ran quickly, have two students in front of me, now I ranked third, see this kind of situation, I began to speed up the frequency, slowly I front of more than a player, but I tried to desperately running forward, exceed the front of the students, in the students roared, crossed the finish line. Finally, I looked at it, is the second. Or no more than the front of the classmates, I feel very disappointed, a little less so now. It was a thrilling autumn sports meeting!







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