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2023-05-19 03:07:04




Finish your homework today, I as usual go to balcony and the dog dog play. Suddenly, I found there is a garden in the ant nest, I look at the ants cheerfully, I saw a group of ants busy in and out from the nest, the ant nest of what look like? I particularly want to see actually.

So I took a stick and carefully through the ant nest, a group of ants panicked scattering, I saw the crisscross of ants nest, I saw the along while also didn't understand the function of the nest. I put a small piece of earth gently on the ant nest, the ant and ran away, a short time later, the ant see nothing dangerous, amplify the daring, there are a few ant mouth pushing a little soil, push the little earth rocks to the outside of the hole.

Think of yourself is really good too, good carry of the ants homes destroyed, quickly amends! I take small branches beside the ant hole again, gently poke a few holes, think as the ant new home, there are a few ants cheerfully ran into a new home, I made for them a few timid ants, to a new home after dare not go in, around for a while and went back, was back, back to ants thrust him into his hole. I hope ants could love their new home, in order to make up for my fault, I'm going to after feeding the colony of ants.

Just then, my mother called me to practice, I to say goodbye to the ants, small ants, tomorrow I will come to see you again.









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