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2023-05-19 05:09:03


导语:亲情是润物的细雨,醉人的春风;亲情是厚重的抚摸,深情的凝望;亲情是一屡阳光,让心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感到温暖如春;亲情是一泓清泉,让情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净。下面是小编为大家整理的,亲情的作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的"知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Family, affection. Yeah! How interesting. A cup of milk in the morning, a bunch of eye when I was in school. Ah! How many seemingly small family gave you pay.

My mother is a virtuous person, she often education I how to behave, a urged me to learn when you have time, help me homework. Her hard work, each a clearly printed in my heart. Mother will get up early every morning, quietly to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for me. The cold winter, red sun with mom's face sweat, window of the ice to his mother a smile of approval. Mom is not only a wife and mother, as a people's teacher in her work is also very good. She always to cheer the students in class, let them find learning is a wonderful thing.

Dad is a people's teacher, he is very strict with the students at school. He is very kind, also very outgoing, always likes to make new friends, sometimes, a mention of his name, said someone will know him. Dad value most I learned, there is a time, the father will give some knowledge, he said: "there are lots of knowledge to study in the world, so, you must work hard, strive to gain more knowledge." You didn't already know, my father have a weakness - courage small, his big beer belly make mom is very worry, mother advised him useless, in the end, the mother lost his temper, dad finally. Later, father's capacity to reduce a lot, even sometimes don't drink. This is probably my dad loved mother a performance.

My favorite person is my grandmother, grandmother took care of me since I was a child, take care of me too fat. And clean the house during the day, every day we live in a clean environment. When mom was not at home, grandma instead of mother du in my study. So when I get back to a high volume classification, half is my grandma. Grandma for we pay a lot, my heart accumulated numerous grandma's love for me. I love grandma, grandma love me, too.

The family is priceless, shouldn't we shouldn't go to cherish? The classmates, let us join hands to cherish affection, embrace the family!










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