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2023-05-19 05:12:03


导语:亲情,是一盏明灯,给浪子回头照亮了道路;亲情,是一个避风港,给飘泊的游子一个平静的港湾;亲情,是一碗心灵鸡汤,给受伤的心灵一声呵护;亲情,也是一把利剑,给不知悔改的人一招力劈华山。下面是小编为大家整理的,亲情的作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


People should learn to cherish everything, of course, including the affection.

When parents give us life, when we are born; When we learn to walk, to parents arms; When we shout first dad, when mom! Parents so excited, who can take away the thick affection have? No one can take away this selfless love!

When we step into the kindergarten howled, look at the parents back, will be how to think? When we returned home, when you don't write my homework by watching cartoon, the ruthless to parents and what would you think? In elementary school, homework to do, hard slap to his father, what would you think? Hatred? Certainly not! After the home from the kindergarten, we will rush toward to mother's arms; In reluctantly after finishing the homework, parents turn on the TV, we will be on parents' shoulder; After a beating, GongGongZhengZheng to finish the homework, see father approval, we have, just after the success of joy - love without regret!

In the family, went to the near in the day of college entrance examination in the parents' urging, put down the data, reluctantly to the desire to long! The next morning, the day is not bright, and at his parents' urging, leave the comfortable bed to go to school! The university entrance exam, with parents encourage - don't be nervous, we believe that you walked into the examination room! Admitted to a key university admission notice is back! Parents gave us never had the reward! A first immersed in the joy, the family rich! Who can use these money to buy? No one -- love is priceless!

Indeed, the family is the world's most precious, although there is an inch of time an inch of gold, but can bring a point is an inch of time is the family? Edison's success to inculcate with mother is inseparable, xu xiake can visit rivers of the motherland, inseparable from the mother's determination; Mencius, no mother moved three can become a great scholars? Can't!

Therefore, we should cherish affection, love is priceless!











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