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2023-05-19 06:27:15




Annie have been lost parents, eleven when being adopted. The little girl personality is distinct, adept at fantasy. Her self-esteem self-improvement, by our own hard, not only the love of adoption people, also win the respect and friendship between the teachers and classmates. The Canadian children's literature, since the 1908 years, has been translated into dozens of languages, sales amounted to tens of millions of copies worldwide, and in addition, the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries have been to the screen or made into a TV series, popular in Europe and the United States. Spoke highly of the novel, Mark Twain said "Anne is the most moving after immortal Alice and image".

Matthew and Mary brother and sister in green gables lived simply. In order to find a helper for people with heart disease of Matthew, they are going from the orphanage to adopt a boy, but by default, from the orphanage was a profuse red hair, chatter of 10 year old girl Anne.

Little Annie naive enthusiasm, is full of romantic imagination. In her imagination, naughty streams under the ice and snow laughter; If the rose will talk, will tell us a lot of interesting story; She also put their own shadow and echo to imagine two bosom friends, telling them that worry...

However, due to the love imagination as well as the "beauty of heart," Annie give yourself to a series of trouble, she constantly trouble, also unceasingly to correct mistakes. In friends, family, and the teacher's love, in the little orphan girl melted into the green gables Anne happy growth of the master.

Article writing is pure and fresh and smooth, vivid humorous, with exquisite brush strokes to show his innermost feelings change, the plot turns, fascinating, Matthew and marilla brother and sister to Anne visceral love and selfless sacrifice, touching, and Anne pure kind, deeply loves the life, image is more strong, optimistic plumcakes with unforgettable.










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