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2023-05-19 07:23:03




Today I'm a little excited, just got up very early, and came to the school, because an annual sports meeting to be held in today. Games of the project is more, for instance, is running, medicine balls, jumping...

Our class athletes are energized, excited, games, first held is 60 meters running, a teacher took the pistol, began running, our class Ceng Wen remote false start in the second place, and in our chants Ceng Wen away gradually ran to the front, then stay to the end, got the first place, we cheer for her.

Then there is the high jump, our class played He Tao and Liu Shiwei, other classmates some didn't skip, some skipped, Liu Shiwei jump, don't jump in the past, He Tao then jump, don't jump in the past, after many rounds, He Tao was eliminated, the next is Liu Shiwei, Liu Shiwei felt the pressure, the pressure is the motivation, Liu Shiwei spoiling for, jump up, jump finally passed, we cheer for him. However, the next rounds in the high jump, also eliminated, when he won't go off, stuffy comfort him don't lose heart, we next games as long as you work hard, can jump out of the good grades. I go to the league table, I found Liu Shiwei got the second place, I tell you the good news for the Liu Shiwei, Liu Shiwei very happy, happy smile on his face.

Went on to play the long jump, running 100 meters, 800 meters running... There are many students in this year's games I don't have any project are chosen, there are some regret, but I hope that through my efforts in next year's games appear my figure.









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