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2023-05-20 02:13:06




In gorky's eyes: a book is the ladder of human progress. In the eyes of Liu Xiang: book of medicine also. And in my eyes is a key, the key that opens the door to knowledge.

I often ripples in the ocean of knowledge, he brought me unlimited fun, make me crazy about it, intoxicated. Every time to have a meal, night before sleeping, I won't forget to bring a book and go to the toilet.

Remember once, my breakfast, eat dumplings, dumplings, but I was not put in the hands of "treasure island". Then, I ate and reading a book. Like a magnet firmly attracted me, all in your head. Embarrassing things comes, I accidentally put an eraser on the table when eating the dumplings. "Bah!" I'll give the rubber to spit it out, rinse mashan to use the restroom. Alas! To see people are food, nose smells, taste your tongue, but I just was to see the book, nose to smell "elegant", tongue thought content.

Elegant with I went into the palace of literature, let me have a full of ideas of mind, look around the world in the eyes and a glib mouth. Such as: "lei feng diary make me clear the highest meaning of human existence, of serving the people is to make a screw, so I understand life the most beautiful dedication; The old man and the sea "in the not to succumb to the storm, the courage to fight against the old man let me respect; La dame aux camelias let me remember, as long as the truth, the personality will never attractive! ......

Books such as landscape, only forever, forever vastness. In the book, I witnessed the jagged of huangshan, witnessed the stem of the Yangtze river, appreciate the solemn mystery of the pyramid... I commanding, panoramic view of dribs and drabs in the long river of history, no one inch footprint of human society take in everything in a glance!

Book is my best friend, that I set foot on the author with words of heart bridge, gradually achieve the communication of the mind. Remember when a do Olympic math problem, is a problem puzzled, meditation for a long time, still confused about. Around all of a sudden, I found a book, this kind of problem I met in this book, a feeling of meet bosom friend in my heart surges, solve the problem in my pen, I finally to fast and was praised by his teacher. That is I feel the benefits of the book, I am very honored and proud, this also is due to my book

Book, let me on the shoulders of giants to see farther; Do the stepping stone to the book, can climb higher.












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