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2023-05-20 02:36:02


导语:骨肉能几人,年大自疏隔。性情谁免此,与我不相易。 唯念得尔辈,时看慰朝夕。平生兹已矣,此外尽非适。下面是小编为大家整理的,我的哥哥英语作文,希望对大家,有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


My brother likes basketball, he long tall, humorous, handsome and natural and unrestrained.

Once, after coming home from school, hurriedly rushed into the living room, dropped their bag, turn on the TV, watching a live with relish. He was so absorbed in his staring at the television screen, imitate James three-step layup for a while, a moment to o 'neill air dunk. Grandma see it's getting late, he set a bowl of porridge, handed it to the elder brother, but he thought that this is a basketball, picked up the bowl and into the basket, just listen to "bang" a loud, spilled on the porridge, bowl was broken. Immediately, the grandmother fire emit three zhangs, said angrily: "why don't you eat calculate, it broke bowl?" My brother just waking from a "dream", learn to the appearance of the basketball star, quipped: "sorry, I don 't know."

Because the brother love basketball, in the school basketball team, he and several teammates to break into the last four, this is he get the first honor on basketball. One night, he said to me: "brother, do you believe that our team will win the championship?" "Of course!" I said excitedly, I saw my brother in self-respect, said confidently: "I don't live up to the expectations of family to me!" After that, he arrive every day, hard to practice basketball. God helps those who help, brother finally won the championship, he and a few players embrace together, shed tears of happiness.

Brother is a basketball fan, not only love watching basketball games, more love to play basketball. Oh, right, left a little said, his shelf is not a book, but all kinds of brand of basketball.



有一次,放学回家后,急匆匆地冲进客厅,扔下书包,打开电视机,津津有味地观看a现场直播。他全神贯注地凝视着电视屏幕,一会儿模仿詹姆斯的三步上篮,一会儿学着奥尼尔空中灌篮。外婆见时间不早了,便端了一碗粥,递给哥哥,可他却以为这是篮球,拿起碗,投向篮筐,只听“砰”的一声,粥洒了一地,碗也被摔碎了。顿时,外婆火冒三丈,生气地说:“你不吃就算了,为什么要摔碗?”哥哥这才从“梦”中醒来,学着篮球明星的样子,风趣地说:“sorry,i don‘t know.”






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