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2023-05-20 04:10:07




The ancients cloud: reading and hearing and reading while Ming, read a heart, god to read the note, coagulation reading times, reading about and jade-like stone, hunger to read and full, trapped reading while awake, best to read and auspicious, cynical reading and flat, was "more than whitehead wen dao, not only reading to this life," suggesting that reading is endless, not full.

If we think we learn knowledge level have reached the state, "all rivers run into sea," have to "taishan collapse in the former and the color is changeless, elk xing is not transient state in the left," what do you think of your reading as absorbent of cloth, and then we will regularly stop, only pride will be in charge of the master of knowledge, but after some years, you only pride will be in stalled and degradation, you would be folly to wince, will be eliminated by society, behind The Times you'll immediately feel: "dark cloud city wants to destroy the city." On the contrary, if we put the book as the ladder of human progress, you will be "the world is wide, the width of hell" culture deeply, drawn up with the pace of progress continuously, you will break through three state of reading: "last night, westerly garden tree, alone on the west wing, hope all tianya road", "with books, feel happy, you will be closely to the pace of The Times, the knowledge of the atmosphere will change your outlook on life, and will let you more outstanding characters get to know each other, to the motherland is more magnificent chapter of tomorrow, at this point, you may think your knowledge is still not full, but you're constantly enrich themselves, improve themselves, are getting towards successful other shore a little.







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