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2023-05-20 06:55:02


导语:没过几分钟,地上便积了一层薄薄的雪,大地被这珊珊来迟的雪装点着滋润着。雪以铺天卷地之势地下着,越下越猛越下越大,看上去像一副雄伟壮阔的图画。今天小编为大家整理了:初雪英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


It's snowing, stranger snow or spread to fall down. People laughing, running to each other to tell the good news. For citizens of dongying snow is rare, especially in the last few years it seldom snows in winter every year. Probably because I leave home a little bit long, so I am a native of northeast, see snow felt particularly cordial.

Before the snow, the sky overcast, a lot of people say that it must be a heavy rain, who know falling snow. People sell out, thus comes the first snow 20 xx years.

When it snows, I sat on the bed, quietly looking at the snow outside the window. Snow is so elegant and pure, like dance is white butterflies. I finally ran downstairs, standing on the ground, looked up squinting. Swirl of snow, mixed and disorderly, free and clear, bold and unrestrained falling from the sky. I was amazed to look at the snow, they seemed to open affectionate eyes staring at me, like a told me, hope, desire, chasing love and yearning... Like a fairy tale in the quiet beautiful angel, more like the cheerful silent elves. Silent throughout the world, but I clearly hear snowflakes of shua shua. The beautiful white snow, my mood, to purify my soul.

After it had stopped snowing, particularly pure and fresh air, slow driving a car, people walked gingerly. The children are running, alarm, one not careful will come a "head over heels" or "voracious rate". I took a handful of snow to mouth, feeling it cool breath, intoxicated by I...

I kiss the intimate and 20 xx years of snow, feel the feeling of joy -- -- -- -- -- - if you're not close contact with the snow, and this time is that 08 you will regret.










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