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2023-05-20 07:29:05


导语:任何人的成功都是从平凡开始的,所以崇拜偶像也要有一颗平常心。帮助更多的人。今天小编为大家整理了:我的偶像英语素材 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Everyone has a idol in my heart, I was no exception. Some people's idol is celebrity; Some people's idol is the ancients; Some people's idol is star... My idol is teach our fourth grade language teacher zhang.

A teacher has a beautiful black hair, a pair of watery big eyes as if will talk. When you do what should not, she will be with angry eyes staring at you, until you lower the head to admit his mistake. When you did make her happy, she will use smiling eyes to see you, what seems to be enjoying a baby.

I admire her educated. On one occasion, at the time of lunch break, I'm doing my mother gave me is really, but there is a problem I think, tried many times, all can not answer it. I think: ask the students, and they were afraid they would not, also won't do; Asked the teacher, the math teacher in the office. At this time, zhang teacher came up to me, kindly ask a way: "chia-yu wu, what's the matter with you?" I'm afraid of answer: "teacher zhang, I won't do this maths problem." Teacher zhang look at the title, thought for a while, and then going on to I give up, also out some similar questions, let me know.

I admire her concern. On one occasion, I have a stomachache, teacher zhang know, helped me into the office. She was like a cat on hot bricks, rash, and apply the hot water bag to me, and give me to drink water, also from time to time ask me better not, I worry in order not to let the teacher zhang, said: "a lot better." "That's good, I'm worried sick." I listened to, immediately to tears. Teacher zhang saw, touched my head and said: "the silly child, this is the teacher should do."









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