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2023-05-20 07:41:04


导语:在中国传统文化中,儒家文化占据主导地位,她兼收并蓄,发展至今,可见其魅力所在。今天小编为大家整理了:传统文化的英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Because I like the Dragon Boat Festival, you can see wonderful dragon boat racing. I like the Lantern Festival, because you can eat the delicious meat dumplings; I like the Mid-Autumn festival, because can and father, mother, grandpa and grandma sat in the balcony together to eat moon cakes while enjoying the big, round moon... But ask exactly what I like best is a traditional festival, it is the Lantern Festival.

The Lantern Festival this year, our family go to yu garden guess lantern riddles. In the evening we entered the yuyuan garden gate saw all kinds of lanterns hanging in every place, some bared his teeth like a dragon flying in the air, some like a little rabbit on the grass and caper, still alive like a carp swimming in the water... Is really gorgeous.

On the way, I saw people jostle in front of, very lively! I to have a look, it was my favorite guess riddles! I saw a middle-aged man with reads: "flat, sharp mouth, want to walk, drink first. Please guess as school supplies." Hey hey, this can't elude me, after hearing riddle, I know it's a pen. But I just want to say exports, heard "a pen!" Looking back is a young people in their 20 s and 30 s in front of me to say the answer to a riddle. Looked at his guess lantern riddles satisfied sample, I'm really spirit not dozen 1 come, think: what's the big deal, even guess the riddle me this child, as for so excited? Then I defy spirit, rubbing their hands to answer the next lantern riddle. I saw was a middle-aged man took out a rabbit lamp, loudly read aloud a way: "has a gun can not put, have legs can't walk, bent everyday, always swim in the water!" Once I listen to, the in the mind think: ha ha, this lantern riddle can be simple! Think I will blurt out: "shrimp!" Middle-aged people listened to smiled and said to me: "kid, very severe ah, answer right!" I heard flattered, than eat ten jar of honey still sweet.

Lantern Festival of lights, beautiful beautiful, guess riddles of the Lantern Festival activities, let a person with an endless! The Lantern Festival, one of my favorite traditional festival.









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