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2023-05-21 03:31:02




A year the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is the beautiful fragrance of flowers and plants, in the summer with the green of the woods, autumn has that is sweet and delicious fruit, though it is but I prefer the heavy snow of winter.

I like winter because the winter snow, the snow is white and beautiful. Only the snow is holy and beautiful.

This winter snow, seems to come more early. The scene before the day before yesterday in the morning, opened the door I was stunned: outside the snow began to fall, housing, branches, the road, the streets are covered with thick silver, all done around the vanity of build by laying bricks or stones jade in the world. Upon the willows are full of countless silver bar, on poplar of cotton, also a cloak of white pine, is really "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousands of critics, pear tree."

Came to the school, from the window to look out the window, the snow, it as light as smoke, as white as silver, fluttering up, swirl, from falling from the sky. I see the snow, exquisitely carved, white like jade, it is a day from angel, or on the moon palace osmanthus falling jade leaf? The underground full cover with a thick layer of white quilt, heaven and earth together, white. A gust of wind blowing, the trees gently swaying, the beautiful silver bars and snow ball is rustling fall to the ground shook down, like pull up white light around the bill.

Recess playground is students' paradise. Snow battle groups of children make a snowman in the snow, the shouts of joy, laughing, the snow on the branches fell down, the classmates all side "giggle giggle" standing on the snow, while the snow with red with cold hands knead dough, tried to throw to each other. Snowball, large and small meteor, generally through the XueMu, blindly flying around...

I love winter more love winter, snow is she brings us endless joy, make the students happy laughter echoed in the lovely campus!











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