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2023-05-21 03:43:11




I always thought that only the car tail gas, the coal burning these emit carbon dioxide, thought that life is full of weak in violation of the "carbon" forces us home - the earth and we live by.

Now in our school propaganda low carbon life, I gradually know how to reduce carbon pollution. The beginning of the "low-carbon life". Before I always open the door the lights last night, the water drops from evening until morning, refrigerator and mess around, so that waste water and electricity, and increased the production of carbon dioxide. Can be improved for the sake of our survival environment, low carbon life must starts from me.

First of all, low-carbon lifestyle is focus on energy conservation and consumption reduction in every detail of life, in addition to homework reading must turn on the light, other time don't need to open the lamp can't open it as far as possible, so that it can reduce the electric discharge of carbon dioxide. Electrical appliances in the house open can emit carbon dioxide, even small cell phone battery socket terrible can discharge of carbon dioxide, as long as the charger to charge the electricity immediately removed can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Fridge can neatly as far as possible, so that it can reduce the number of refrigerators work, so as to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Although air conditioning can give us a cold in the summer, but its outdoor can emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, so we can best use less as far as possible, don't let our earth breathe too much carbon dioxide.

In the later days we must attach importance to "carbon emissions", don't let it harm to our life, let us act together, to protect our beautiful environment.









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