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2023-05-21 05:37:03


导语:骑马的时候,风在耳边呼呼的吹。马跑起来的时候,一颠一颠的,我的屁股都要成菱形了! 下面是小编为大家整理的:骑马的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


General in the second day, we came to a small lake and 2, also made a yearning for a long time activity, ride a horse.

In the blue sky dotted with several white clouds, the colorful flowers on the green grassland to outshine each other. But the beautiful scene, I have no mood to appreciate, can't wait ran to the herd.

In horses picked a I like horse, with the help of the groom, I carefully curiosity came to the horse, lift left foot set foot in the stirrup, the left leg and a, right leg up flops, body is mounted on his horse, firmly sitting on the saddle. So I taught me in accordance with the groom riding to make, grabbing a bridle with the hand, this is to control the direction, is like car steering wheel, and then make a shake, with both feet after cutting root a horse belly, mouth is ringing loud shouted "driving," hey, this horse is really go up... . I sat on a horse, the body as the horses to walk on a rhythmic fluctuations, sense of fun, but afraid of when we rode dates have thrown outside the cloud nine. I use hand to tighten the REINS at the left of the horsehead, then shout a loud "bang" the horse is to the left to walk, I at the right hand tighten the REINS, the horse has the right, "bang, bang, bang" continuous Shouting, the horse had run up but I'm still a little afraid, afraid to want to adults as fast running.

Hours passed, but I didn't ride, next year I'm here to ride a horse.









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