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2023-05-22 04:18:02


导语:老师是人类灵魂的工程师;是培育祖国花朵的辛勤园丁;是使我们走向正确道路的指航标;是我们记忆最深刻的人……老师们把我们培养成祖国的栋梁,是多么辛苦呀,我们难道不应该报答他们吗? 那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


Came into the classroom this morning, he heard a lecture is going to have a new teacher, we are pleased to have made a crazy: some people stand on the table shout; Some people leave the seat to run; Some people knock the table. Until the bell rang, we sat on the seat in safe.

A female teacher came in, she has a pair of small eyes, wearing a green dress, plait comb very neat, like a butterfly, dance. She looks very beautiful, with shiny things, very good-looking. We talked about pop up: "slice, wish!" "The most beautiful, the teacher should be very well!" This is envy and jealousy at work.

On the first day in class, she introduced herself first, "my name is what, later call I how teacher!" What the teacher is quite a pretty waist, and then solemnly said: "I got you a IQ tests, if right, award 50 stars, if wrong, ha ha, but to copy words!" Then said: "two months what is close to a word?" I thought for a moment and said aloud: "is a" with "word!" The teacher said in surprise: "congratulations, right! Wait for a while give you prize 50 stars, remaining students, such as copy the text 5 times in a minute." "' take mud!" The class (besides me) let out a cry, began to hate the teacher.

In class, the teacher said loudly, "It stimeforclass." We respond to "Goodmorning, the teacher." And then began to lecture. Quickly to the next class, the teacher said: "give you a problem, as long as the right, the whole class to remove just copy, also award 5 stars!" The students happy cheer, the teacher said: "how tall are you? Answer in English." A few good students "sou" once held up his hand, the teacher looked at the seating chart, said: "MuQingHe classmate, you to answer." I think: if is onepointsixmeters. I whispered: "onepointsixmeters." The teacher replied in surprise: "okay, well, I promise, you should thank MuQingHe." Classmates all came running, cheering, running and I laughed, too.

The teacher's queer character, in a short while let's copy the text, then don't let us copy the text, but I still like them. At the end of primary school career, the can stay in my mind the image of teachers never wipe not to go!










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