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2023-05-22 06:32:01




After that, I never do mischief on him, but I still swallow not to descend your tone. Watching day day by day passed, and he still has 2 weeks is about to leave. However, I don't think he is to leave it doesn't matter. So, I told him or ignored.

This morning, I just wake up, always feel that peace is different. As a result, I put the quilt a lift, but it scared the hell out of me! Thought I'd - the seven feet tall unexpectedly also wet the bed. My god, you are not crazy? I don't to save face, take sheets drying. I put it there is no tube. In the evening, it is conceivable that not only the quilt warm, but began to smell of urine. In this way, a night past, of course, I also didn't sleep a night! That smell like fumigated refreshed!!!!!! As if "wonderland"...

The second day, I suddenly think of it, the last 10 yuan haven't borrow stranger in, immediately went to pack, and money. (because I don't want to owe anyone anything), however, the sample I am afraid of him. So I ran to him and took his hand gave him 10 yuan money, ran away. Know to run to the place where he can't see, I'm panting, heart pounding. Wait my heart a little quiet, I think, as if he is not very bad. (actually, this is just my opinion) the unpleasant again in the evening, I didn't go to bed, until the life teacher ward round was reluctant to go to bed. I gently, slowly, cover the quilt, I is ten thousand not willing to the quilt, but have what idea, who is called cold weather.








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